Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sexy lingerie Pink Sex

Take Your Pick – Sex Or The Internet? You Can’t Have Both!

So you have to go for 2 weeks with only one of them – sex or the internet – which do you choose?

Sexy Girl in Pink UnderwearAccording to a study commissioned by Intel 46% of women would be willing to give up sex for 2 weeks to keep their internet. In comparison only 30% of men would be prepared to do the same.

The US survey polled just over 2,100 adults in November to get these results. It also found out that the figures rose for younger people (18-35) to 49% of women choosing the internet over sex and 39% of men choosing the internet.

So does this show women love the internet more than men, or does it just show men can’t live without sex? Well it doesn’t show either really, but it does clearly demonstrate how much we love our computers! For further reading check out my post: Life without the internet.

From: http://www.digitpedia.com/take-your-pick-sex-or-the-internet-you-cant-have-both/2411/#ixzz1OcLjXZEB