Monday, July 4, 2011

Mesotelhioma Claim: Call our Claim Line

Mesothelioma Compensation Claim

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimMesothelioma claim specialists

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimNetwork of medical solicitors

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimNo Win, No Fee

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimProfessional and friendly service

Our network of Mesethelioma claim solisitors covering the whole of the UK, they are ready to provide Fast Free Advice following the diagnosis of mesothelioma.

The most common cause of work related deaths in the UK is asbestos poisoning. Asbestos is a substance, widely used in the building trade, which becomes a danger if you are exposed to asbestos fibres. One of the main diseases caused by asbestos is mesothelioma, which a rare form of cancer which affects the lining of the lungs.

Call our Claim Line on: 0845 519 7798

This disease is most commonly related to over exposure to asbestos in work related settings and it can take between 30-40 years for symptoms to become apparent. Unfortunately, mesothelioma is often fatal very soon after diagnosis.

If you are, or someone you know is, suffering from mesothelioma you may be wondering whether you can make a compensation claim and how much compensation you are likely to receive. You need someone to advise you and answer these questions for you. Our mesothelioma soliciotrs can help you quickly and efficiently and our service for you is completely free of charge.

Why talk to us first?

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimFAST FREE ADVICE

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimGenuine 'No Win No Fee'

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimYou Keep 100% Compensation

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimDedicated Mesothelioma Solicitors

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimConfidential and Sympathetic Advice

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimHelp with making claims for other Benefits

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimAlways happy to make home visits if requested

If you have recently been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease, you may be able to make a mesothelioma compensation claim.

You can claim if diagnosed with one of the following.

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimAsbestosis

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimMesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimPleural Thickening

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimAsbestos Lung Cancer

Asbestos related diseases fall into four main categories which are: asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer and pleural disease. In all cases the time between exposure to asbestos fibres and the onset of symptoms can be decades and occasionally in excess of 50 years although much shorter periods have been observed particularly in the case of heavy and prolonged asbestos exposure. Almost any degree of exposure, inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibres carries with it a risk of contracting an asbestos related disease. A lung cancer, asbestosis or mesothelioma claim will be successful if it can be proved that the employer failed to implement a safe system of work thereby placing employees in danger.

You should make a claim for asbestos compensation within 3 years of the date of the initial diagnosis. If you are making a claim for someone who has recently passed away, the timescale is still from the date of the initial diagnosis of the asbestos disease. You cannot currently claim for pleural plaques in England and Wales, this may change in the near future, so if you wish, we can store your details and contact you if the law changes. Our asbestos claims service if totally free and you will receive 100% of any compensation awarded. Our solicitors recover their costs from the companies where the exposure to asbestos took place

Compensation Awards

If you or someone you know has developed an asbestos related disease and wants to make a lung cancer, abestosis or mesothelioma claim for personal injury compensation we offer qualified legal advice at no cost. Our solicitors use the risk free no win no fee scheme to pursue lung cancer, asbestosis or mesothelioma claims. Compensation is paid in full with no deductions. Damages awarded in a lung cancer, asbestosis or mesothelioma compensation claim are divided into three main categories as follows:-

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimSpecial Damages

This item represents compensation that can be calculated with a degree of mathematical accuracy whereby assessment by lawyers or a judge is not necessary. Items of special damages in asbestosis or mesothelioma claims are usually proved by way of documentary evidence such as invoices, estimates or receipts. The main item of general damages is usually loss of wages including past losses and future losses together with the cost of care and other general expenses.

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimGeneral Damages

This item represents compensation for items of loss that cannot be calculated and require a degree of assessment. The main item of general damages in lung cancer, asbestosis or mesothelioma claims is usually the value of the award for the pain and suffering of the illness together with a sum for loss of amenity or lifestyle. There are many other smaller items that qualify under this category.

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimInterest

This item can be claimed on both general damages and special damages. The calculations are complex and different parameters including different interest rates apply to different types of compensation. Due to the interest factor it is not worth the while of insurers to delay settlement of a lung cancer, asbestosis or mesothelioma compensation claim.

Who can claim?

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimIf you are suffering with mesothelioma then you can claim.

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimIf a close relative has died of mesothelioma in the past 3 years (eg a spouse or parent) then you can claim as a dependent.

Mesothelioma Compensation ClaimIf you are claiming as a dependent you can also make a mesothelioma claim under the Dust Fund, but must do so within a year of the date of your relative’s death. You will recover a lower amount under the Fund than a living mesothelioma sufferer would receive.

How much will it cost me?

You will not be charged. Our solicitors will deal with you mesothelioma compensation claim for you on "no win no fee" basis and if you win we guarantee that you will keep 100% of your compensation.

How long will it take to make a mesothelioma claim for compensation?

Claims for mesothelioma victims are usually fast tracked through the Court system. The vast majority of mesothelioma compensation claims are settled by negotiation without the need to attend Court. In most cases an upfront payment of around £45,000 is made within 6 months of the letter of claim.

What if I have served in the Armed Forces and wish to make a mesothelioma compensation claim?

If your only exposure to asbestos was during active service in the armed forces before 1987 then The Crown Proceedings Act prevents you from making a mesothelioma claim. However you may be entitled to a War Pension.

If you were exposed to asbestos after 1987 you can make a civil claim against the armed forces.

If you were exposed to asbestos either before or after your active service you can claim against the civilian employer. We are often contacted by former servicemen and women who were heavily exposed to asbestos while on active service, usually on board ships and who think they are not able to claim for the later, often lighter asbestos exposure that occurred during their civilian work. We have succeeded in recovering compensation in the majority of such claims.

Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

The Armed Forces Compensation Scheme replaced the War Pensions Scheme in 2005. You may be eligible for a mesothelioma compensation payment under the old scheme if you were injured as a result of asbestos exposure in the armed forces before 6th April 2005. If your injury occurred after this date you may be eligible to claim under the new scheme.

Also see: What is Mesothelioma?, Asbestos Cancer and START YOUR CLAIM

How do I make a claim for mesothelioma compensation?

To make a claim you can speak to one of our mesothelioma specialists and they can talk your through the process of the mesothelioma compensation claim. To contact one of our specialist team you can either call our mesothelioma claim line on 0845 519 7798 or complete our online mesothelioma claim form below and one of the specialists will call you back within 2 hours.

Start you mesothelioma claim today...

Call our Claim Line on: 0845 519 7798