Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Paid Blog Promotion

bc power blogging promotion The experts advise us to have a custom promotional strategy for every blog and to be prepared to pay for promotion. If you have a business blog or professional blog then you may not hesitate to invest some money to make more. But if you are a hobby blogger you may not be so inclined.

I’m a blogcatalog member and have two blogs registered in the Directory there. However, I have not registered for this program for two reasons. I’m a hobby blogger and as I’m not in the income group that can afford to pay to have my blog promoted but maybe you are. If so, then the deadline for signing up for blogcatalog’s promotional program is just a couple of hours away. If you want to register then don’t waste any time signing up. As blogger initiated advertising is not allowed on blogs hosted by WordPress.com I have not linked to the site, but it can be easily found online.